I work remotely for a company that has always been remote-first (i.e. many years before the pandemic), which makes software to visualise and manage work in progress, including integrations for Jira and Trello.
Internally, we use Jira Product Discovery to solve this problem. Instead of 'to do, doing and done', we have columns for complexity, urgency and value (plus our confidence level in the assessment for each). Combined, these create a raw score which automatically prioritises the work. There's then a status dropdown for the to-do-doing-and-done.
The ratings are given in a meeting - the tickets are a placeholder for a conversation. The doer-of-work gives the rating for the complexity, and the requestor-of-work provides the urgency, with the ultimate 'say' in the hands of the lead product manager where the same provider-of-work (e.g. designer) is working across multiple teams.
When a ticket gets 'stuck', a conversation takes place.
"Why is this taking so long?"
"Because there's six projects in the queue and only one designer. I can't be everywhere!"
"Huh. Perhaps we need more designers."
The ongoing discussion takes place in brief 'standup meetings' with an emphasis on blockers.
Often, someone else has an idea for how to get things unstuck - but they wouldn't know unless it's discussed.
Visibility is just an artifact: the important stuff is the conversation.