Not quite nil.
I landed my very first full time job, straight out of high school, because I had a very intense love of music and could name releases on Creation Records by the catalogue number alone.
My interview was a (literal) pop quiz - name the songwriter from the song title - and I was immediately placed by the specialist agency in a copyright research role where, at least for the first year before it was automated, I had to match radio playlists to songwriters for royalty payments.
From memory.
In my spare time, I used to run a music fanzine (paper version of a blog) and I got a phone call from someone who ran another fanzine who said he'd just been appointed editor of a music magazine: would I like to write for him as a freelancer? Of course, I said yes.
Then when I expressed an interest, many years later, in joining a research team, I could confidently say that yes, I had plenty of experience in interviewing people.