Objectively speaking, building a bunker is a pretty sensible idea if you have the money, but not because an asteroid is about to hit.
If you live in the US or UK, your chances of dying, or being materially affected, by an asteroid strike, solar flare, or other extinction level event are vanishingly low. Then there's the truly catastrophic stuff like nuclear accident, tsunami, or volcanic eruption. There's variation in local risk, but overall your chances are pretty low.
Then there are the next threats: civil unrest or pandemic plague - we know these can strike at any time, but if you live in a fairly rural area, you're probably relatively safe, but it's a good idea to consider the possibility. Pandemics hit unevenly, but it's about once in each generation. Civil unrest becomes more likely when there's more inequality, such as now.
Then there's localised environmental events - floods, fires, storms - depending on where you live, your chances of being affected by any of them might be moderate to high. If they happen very often, the country will be built to withstand them: there are houses in England that have stood for centuries despite frequent wind storms, but we grind to a halt in hot weather or snow - most domestic buildings don't have aircon and I didn't even own a sweater until 2011 (after the last big freeze).
After the pandemic's toilet roll madness, I kept up stocks of tinned food and bottled water, just in case. Your chances of being affected by a particular one of these events are pretty low, but your chances of being affected by *any* of them are somewhat higher.
An accident took out the water supply a few weeks ago, but we didn't have to worry, because we had bottles.
Ultimately, that's the thing that money buys: freedom from fear. Your basic needs will always be met.
I've never been rich like them, but I get it, I really do.