"What these women (and men) who currently resist the measure being implemented to force their participation in the social contract to one another you reference are actually objecting to is the use of those methods to control their lives."
It seems like you're saying that you really don't like being told what to do.
You would resist measures to control you, even though you know that doing so puts others at risk of death.
You would rather another person dies than stay inside and wear a mask if you go out, and keep your distance from others.
One hundred thousand Americans have died already. Almost every other country has responded better than America.
The countries where the culture generally involves following the rules - Germany, South Korea - have had comparatively few deaths.
Staying inside and wearing masks saves lives. When people don't follow the rules, people die in the tens of thousands.
The really important thing that you need to remember - and you can research this on your own, there is plenty of information on the internet - is that every pandemic in recorded history has come in waves.
The second wave is always much worse.
This is the beginning. The easy bit.
So, I would invite you to take a moment to reflect. Every time you go out without a mask, stand too close to people, spend too long talking to people, you put that person at risk of death.
If you stand too close to a black person, they have three times that risk.
If you don't trust American news publications, read newspapers from outside the US. You could start with the BBC (The Times is the UK's 'newspaper of record' - most trustworthy source - but it's behind a paywall), The Times of India, and the Sydney Morning Herald.
You may be interested to see how other countries view the US very differently to the way it sees itself.
You may also find that adopting a more global perspective helps you find the less-polarized unity that you value.