You are far from the first: my husband even said the same over breakfast this morning.
His ire was directed towards the malware and spyware that's part of our overall internet experience. It's now embedded in Google and Facebook and Microsoft and you can't disable it or avoid it and so many of us hate it and have this growing, seething, visceral hatred of the rank and open exploitation sucking the joy out of every aspect of our lives. They're ven putting up the price of Netflix now, not because they want us to pay $25 for Netflix, but because they want us to go to drop to the ad-supported version.
(Suck it up, peasant, and bow to your Silicon Valley Bro overlords who view you with something beneath contempt.)
Our only hope, as with every medium before, is disruption.
If they can take away our music industry, we can do away with them, too.
I hope they wake up with a rash, the bloody lot of them.